Monday, January 20, 2014

Tutorial Summer Baby Blanket Part 2

Row 2: *(4 dc, ch 3, dc) all in next ch-3 space* across, dc in 3rd ch of turning ch-3. Ch 3, turn.
You are crocheting into the "hole" created on the previous line when you chained 3.   
 Note: I hold my needle incorrectly so the way it is sitting in the pictures may differ slightly from how it looks in your hands.

 Crochet the 4 double crochet into the hole created by the chain 3.

 Crochet the 4 double crochet, followed by chain 3,
 Double crochet into the same hole,
 After the 1 double crochet after the chain 3, start double crocheting the 4 into the next group of chain 3.

If you have any more questions, let me know.
I am loving this lady's blog, bye the way!

This is how I understand it.  I wont know til I am able to get back around to this turn on the return trip.  I'll let you know.

Oh, and this cute baby is why I am posting so late!

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