Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jessie playing

Other Random Nature photos

A little yard work

I was working on cleaning out the weeds and blackberries from this flower/garlic bed. Also, I started to clear off the side walk and discovered the grass was covering it by about 5 inches...thank you for free sod.

I have been digging out the spot for my strawberry bed.
I want it to be about 4 feet wide and the length of the green house.
My wheel barrow is getting full of dirt clods. I have nice top soil and sand to fill the box with when I am done. I plan on re-using some of the dirt that I dig out but would mostly like to use the nice dirt that I bought for the purpose.
I used some of the dirt clogs to fill a little ditch beside our house. I dug up two of my yard roses and then used some of the dirt clogs to fill that hole. Up by the house is a little poured sidewalk that the grass has been growing over. I was able to collect some sod from there to put on top of the holes from the roses. That was a handy find.

That's a lot more digging than I realized I was getting into. Silly me.

Also, I cleaned out so much blackberries and roses and stuff that I now have a very stickery pile to move (when my wheel barrow is empty).
More later as I hope to be back at it this afternoon!
Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful property, for the wonderful green house, and for the desire to make it prettier!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Post For Sarah

I wanted to share with you a few photos. I mowed the whole back yard over this last week or so.

These are some flowers blooming in the backyard.

I picked up a few strawberry plants the other day and am hoping to build my strawberry bed tomorrow. I am borrowing my Mother-in-laws truck to get a load of loam and a wheel barrow. I can't wait to get them in. We have little green strawberries on the plants.

Columbine plant...beautiful plants!

The pretty plant that you saved has these beautiful purple flowers.

I haven't gotten anything done up here yet, but am hoping to this weekend or next if the weather cooperates.

Thanks for all your help! You are the bestest friend ever!