Wednesday, November 23, 2011

First Attempt at "School"

 Bringing the crayons to the table.
 Sitting up to count: 1, 2 Hippos. 
No. There are not 3.
 We did make it to 4, eventually.
 Dale wanted to do "school" too but was too tired.
 Taping 4 lions on her page.
I wanted to get to 5 today but thought that my head might explode if we continued so we moved on to reading counting books and watching the Baby Einstein Numbers video.

Hand-Traced Cards

 Dale wanted to help too, but his hands wont do what he wants yet.  Maybe in a few months, but then he will probably just try to eat the crayons.
 Jes is happily coloring on the cards after we traced her's and brother's hand prints on it.
 Here are the 3 cards we made:

 Just coloring on the front wasn't enough on this one.